Sunday, October 30, 2005

Comcast is "Comcastic!" - NOT!

Hi there,

Here I come, "computer years" after my last blog, to talk about the amazing service of one company: Comcast.

I have their service because it's amazingly cheap for good broadband internet and also save money because this way I do not need a phone line for DSL and I also have Cable TV.

Well, it happens that they're a very well organized company. I scheduled an appointment to install the system in my new apartment between 8am and 12pm. I get a phone call at 11:00 saying they'll be late, and will arrive after 1pm. The guy shows up 10 min after the call. He didn't bring the necessary equipment to install the service, even though the "pink" slip clearly explains all he needed. He then calls another crew who then finish the job.

I then go to work and around 3pm I get another phone call from Comcast saying the crew would be late!?

OK. We understand they have communication problems. I tell her he already came by, etc. Around 6pm I get another phone call because the operator forgot to write down one number from my cable modem and they cannot activate it without that number. I don't have it so I call them when I get home. I then call them and they tell me I cannot call until I have the computer on, which I didn't. Once it's on (the day after) I call them and they tell me I didn't need to call (make up your minds!).

15 days later I get my bill and they're charging me for an internal installation of a secondary point, which I do not have. I again call them to ask what's going on.

Last I go online to pay my bill and they say the balance is 0$. In fact I have a credit!?

I call them again and once the system picks up my account they tell me I have an 18$ balance due in 1 week. I speak to a representative and he tells me there were credits on my account due to the move and the previous address/service, so he doesn't actually know why I got the first bill.

In essense, they like to talk to me on the phone. That's the only explanation I have.

Oh well...


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